by Audrey TreeceHappy Holidays!
I was having a hard time trying to figure out what to write for this blog entry. I think you all can agree when I say that as of 4:00PM on Friday, December 17, 2011, my brain went on strike. It told me that I was not allowed to think or work on anything until I got sleep and my body readjusted back to a normal schedule and/or routine.
I began by using my best friend, Google. I started typing in different words for architecture to see if anything struck my interest. After several attempts, I ended with “Christmas Architecture.”
Here are some humorous things I found:
Twelve Days of Architecture
On the first day of Christmas,
my Architect gave to me
A study guide for the A.R.E.
On the Second day of Christmas,
my Architect gave to me
Two turtlenecks,
And a study guide for the A.R.E.
On the Third day of Christmas,
my Architect gave to me
Three French Curves,
Two turtlenecks,
And a study guide for the A.R.E.
On the Fourth day of Christmas,
my Architect gave to me
a four-sided building,
Three French Curves,
Two turtlenecks,
And a study guide for the A.R.E.
On the Fifth day of Christmas,
my Architect gave to me
Fiiiiiive Computer screeeeens,
a four-sided building,
Three French Curves,
Two turtlenecks,
And a study guide for the A.R.E.
On the Sixth day of Christmas,
my Architect gave to me
Six clients not paying,
Fiiiiiiiiive Draaaama Queeeens,
a four-sided building,
Three French Curves,
Two turtlenecks,
And a study guide for the A.R.E.
On the Seventh day of Christmas,
my Architect gave to me
Seven cups of coffee,
Six clients not paying,
Fiiiiive Rennnnderiiings,
a four-sided building,
Three French Curves,
Two turtlenecks,
And a study guide for the A.R.E.
On the Eighth day of Christmas,
my Architect gave to me
Eight concept sketches,
Seven cups of coffee,
Six clients not paying,
Five more rendered sceeenes,
a four-sided building,
Three French Curves,
Two turtlenecks,
And a study guide for the A.R.E.
On the Ninth day of Christmas,
my Architect gave to me
Nine interns drafting,
Eight concept sketches,
Seven cups of coffee,
Six clients who are still not paying me,
Five Perforaaaaaated screeeeeeens,
a four-sided building,
Three French Curves,
Two turtlenecks,
And a study guide for the A.R.E.
On the Tenth day of Christmas,
my Architect gave to me
Ten roofs a leaking,
Nine interns drafting,
Eight concept sketches,
Seven cups of coffee,
Six clients still not paying, and I’m sending the invoice again, I don’t care if it is Christmas…..start paaaaaaying me!
Five R.S. Means,
a four-sided building,
Three French Curves,
Two turtlenecks,
And a study guide for the A.R.E.
On the Eleventh day of Christmas,
my Architect gave to me
Eleven-hour work days,
Ten roofs a leaking,
Nine interns drafting,
Eight concept sketches,
Seven cups of coffee,
Jesus, these stupid six clients will never pay me,
Five more minutes to refresh this screeeeeeeeen,
a four-sided building,
Three French Curves,
Two turtlenecks,
And a study guide for the A.R.E.
On the Twelfth day of Christmas,
my Architect gave to me
Twelve interstitial spaces,
Eleven-hour work days,
Ten roofs a leaking,
Nine interns drafting,
Eight concept sketches,
Seven cups of coffee,
Six clients didn’t pay me,
Fiiiiiiiive Gold—-en Meeeeeeeeeans,
a four-sided building,
Three French Curves,
Two turtlenecks,
And, a study guide for the A.R.E.
Merry Christmas,
pay me
and this:
I hope you all have a nice holiday season and most importantly a healthy and restful break.
See you next year!