Wednesday, October 31, 2012

3D Printer

3D Printer Uses
By: Josh Rucinski

What do I use the 3d printer for?

I've gotten this question many times, and at first it seemed as though people were stifling their imagination, but the fact is many people are very unfamiliar with the technology.

In this case, the 3d printer made little cars to scale for this model of a parking area.  The value added portion of this is that the cars are tailored to fit scale in each dimension.  You cannot get cars that are too fat or too thin as what can happen with the laser cutter.  Plus the models have no burn marks on them.

The cars were extruded from a simple form in Rhino and then arrayed to fit the printer tray.  My 3d printer is very small compared to the ones we have at school, so I was only able to fit about 30 – 40 cars.

Anyways, something to think about.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Correlation Research

Correlational Research 
By: Kyle Miller
This week in Arc 500, I presented a Correlational Research from the Architectural Research Methods written by Linda Groat and David Wang. “Correlational Research is the signature characteristic of this research design is the discovery of patterns or relationships among specified variables of interest in a particular setting or circumstance” (Groat, 16). An example given in the book is that “Many high correlations between the number of ice cream cones and deaths by drowning – can be explained by hidden third factors, in this case hot weather.” There are several ways in which correlation research can be done by doing surveys, observation, mapping, sorting, archives, multiple regression, factor analysis and multidimensional scaling. One that I found that related a lot to my thesis topic is multiple regression. An example in the book was Olusegun Obasanjo used a survey that measured adolescents' subjective experience of various social behaviors. He looked at cognitive functioning, environmental quality, housing quality, neighborhood quality and access to restorative resources. Obasanjo was influenced by well-known research by Stephen Kaplan are defined as places and experiences that are likely to enable people to experience the quality of being away, thereby overcoming mental fatigue (Groat, 239). Space does not permit a complete description of the relationships among the all the variables but can facilitate, hinder, or exemplify notions created by the social variables [demographics, physical variables of landscapes etc.] This relates to how I will look into Positive impacts of Architecture on the Behavior of students afflicted with ADHD by using Martial Arts. I will start using this blog to keep you up to date on my thesis.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Physical Modeling

Physical Modeling 
By:Lucas Shubert
            I have often wondered throughout my student career in architecture about the value of scale physical models. While they do communicate certain things about a building, I believe they are (or soon will be) obsolete. I imagine their primary purpose has always been to show the client a design medium that he or she has never seen before in day-to-day life. The power of the physical model comes from the wonder it creates in the eyes of someone that is generally unfamiliar with architecture. However, that situation will never occur for a student, because our client is always an instructor (who knows a thing or two about our projects to begin with) or a jury member from a peripheral field of study. Therefore, who does it help to better understand the project by spending an enormous amount of time on a physical model?
            The answer to this question changes from person to person. According to my instructors, physical models are most useful for me while I’m building them. According to me, the finished product is not worth the effort of creating it. That is because I always already have a digital model that is much more detailed and accurate. Something that frequently happens toward the end of a class is a student becomes completely engrossed with his or her physical model and loses potential quality in documents produced from the digital model. Time spent designing a physical model and constructing it could be better spent perfecting a digital model that communicates infinitely more about a project through detailed sections and renderings. The scale of a physical model is frequently inaccurate and inconsistent due to material constraints. This problem does not exist in the digital realm.
            The most effective argument for physical models is of course that digital models can only exist in two dimensions. But, computer software has long been capable of creating a realistic illusion of three dimensional spaces. Which bring me to my next point: students should be encouraged to explore animation and graphic design over studies in materiality of chipboard and Plexiglas. As mentioned above the real power of a scale physical model is in showing a client a form of media he or she hasn’t seen before. That same logic can and should be applied to animated digital walkthroughs, making them the next form of media that will impress a client.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Buidling = Success

Just Because We Build It, Does Not Mean It Will Be Successful
By: Megan Gebke
An issue that I have been noticing lately is architects designing buildings or coming up with master plans that do not tie in the surrounding society or environment.  In their minds they just think that it is going to work because they designed it.  There have been many cases of buildings just being plugged into a plot of land without even thinking how it will affect its surroundings. How is a business supposed to be successful if we do not look how it connects with its neighborhood or placing it in the place it will be most beneficial?  With my thesis, I will be creating a master plan for Old North Saint Louis.  I will be figuring out the best locations for each type of buildings like businesses, residences, parks, churches, schools, and restaurants.  To accomplish this huge question, I will have to contact the neighborhood, speak to the residents, and look at what has been done before and ask what could change to better it.  Also, I have to look at the bigger picture with the district being just north of Saint Louis, what type of buildings will attract the city residents and will benefit both downtown Saint Louis and the actual Old North Saint Louis district. What will make this district so special?  Next semester, we get to choose any class to take as an elective.  Since my thesis will take a look at the business aspect of an architectural project, I have chosen to take a marketing class.  In that class I will be creating a marketing plan that deals with my site.  By taking this class, I have high hopes that with all of the research, I can choose businesses that will be successful and will best benefit the neighborhood.  Also, the class will teach me the steps on how to actually market those businesses and attract positive attention to the area.  Even though our thesis is an academic project, I would like to make this scenario as real as possible and learn about the business side that goes into funding and promoting a building.  In addition, I would be phasing the master plan into what section of the neighborhood would do that best right now to become profitable before moving onto the next phase.  By breaking it up in phases will make it easier to start with a small project and turn it into a big picture.  I need to ask myself what buildings will attract people into the district that will want to keep coming back.  I am excited to start this research and hopefully can turn this into a successful thesis.

Architectural Intergration

Architectural Integration
By: Adulsak "Otto" Chanyakorn
Intensive study of regional climate is one the most significant factors for architects. Climate factors define the results of architecture in many aspects such as architectural form, materials, and building orientation. Buildings in the tropical climate which has high humidity require light materials and cross ventilation which is important for air flow and bringing heat out of the building. In contrast, buildings in cold climates require more insulated materials to control inside temperatures. Furthermore, precipitation levels in each region define forms of architecture. Regions that have high precipitation levels require sloped roofs to drain off the water or snow; similarly, architectures in Africa need small windows to keep inside temperatures cool. Hence, understanding local climate is significant for architects because understanding local climate will help architects to make the correct decisions in orientation, materials, and forms for buildings. The best way to comprehend it is observing and mastering vernacular architecture in that region because it has experimented and developed through many generations (Khan, 2011).
            Culture defines architecture in terms of function. Building users in each region have different behaviors in their everyday lives.  Culture is involved in many aspects of human lives such as religion.  Some regions may require specific areas for religious activities in dwellings, food, how food is prepared and eaten, individual or collectivistic culture may influence the size and layout of dwellings. Thus, understanding culture is important for architects to prevent design failure which happens occasionally with modern architecture despite cultural difference (Yousuf, 2011).
            Modern technologies offer great advantages in many fields and professions for contemporary living. Similarity, high technologies have offered accomplishments and benefits to the architectural profession in many aspects. First, modern materials allow architects to provide more efficient buildings through such ideas as prefabrication materials and so on which integrated with vernacular design strategies will provide good results for architectural design. Second, the advantages of steel and cements offer architects the ability to create flexible structures such as domino structure by Le Corbusier which offers better solutions for architects to manipulate building functions (Lara, 2009). Last, there are a lot of Architectural computer aided software which is a great appliance for architects in the design process. High technology software offers many abilities for them to examine and experiment with their ideas, such as architectural visualization software, energy stimulation programs, and air-flow prediction methods (Yousuf, 2011, p. 116).  It’s easier for architects to simulate design on computers before making the final decisions in the design process. Hence, taking an advantage from modern technologies will be good manner to integrate it into design strategies.

‘GREEN ARCHHITECTURE’. Archnet-IJAR, 4(1), 85-98.
LARA, F. (2009). Modernism Made Vernacular: The Brazilian Case. Journal Of Architectural
            Education, 63(1), 41-50, doi:10.1111/j.1531-314X.2009.01027.x
ARCHITECTURE IN CONTEST. Archnet-IJAR, 5(2). 106-118.