Designing a space, whether for interior or exterior use, the space can hold a variety of implications, and for various purposes. In outdoor spaces, design can be defined as a process of specific planning for various and distinctive features that are used to create a valuable strategy for landscapes and urban design. In architecture, designing can be defined in a very similar way except we possess additional focus towards the actual structure and space within the envelope we are creating. In addition, architects use the exterior more for structural form and aesthetic appeal.
Place can be defined as a particular portion of space, whether of definite or indefinite extent ( A place is also somewhere where you as the viewer should feel comfortable and at ease. Places are everywhere; you’re home, the office, the mall, etc. Some people have a certain place where they go to meditate or to read quietly. Wherever the place is for you, it usually is designed for a particular purpose and or function.
A sense of place, to me, is specific to one’s own viewpoint. The site must take in account of the relationship between its region and whereabouts. In outdoor spaces, a sense of place should be formed according to its atmosphere. Along with that, a distinct relationship should be made to the sites architecture, history, culture, and anything else noted that would offer a distinct persona.
As designers we create key moods. This can be intentionally or not, but these moods give the viewer a sense of feeling and reaction toward the atmosphere we are shaping. The feeling you can receive from a sense of place provides the impression of connectivity and meaning. The disposition for the place can be very different, ranging from humorous and cheerful to a distinct sadness. Whatever the emotion expresses, it should engage in a positive outlook for the design and the site.
Overall, creating a sense of place can make for an amazing interest towards a site. Know matter how one person perceives the space is for individual debate. As long as the outdoor space can capture one’s imagination on any positive level, a sense of place has been created.
Dictionary. (10/13/10) Citation.
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