Friday, December 18, 2015

Relationship between a person and a space

By: Josh West

Understanding the relationship between a person and the dwelling of a space can be very critical when designing and creating a building. Seeing the space as a form, and making a boundary to contribute to change people’s behavior and social patterns are some critical things when you are creating a dwelling in these spaces. Not only do you have to take into consideration all of the architectural aspects but also of the everyday working person. Everyday people encounter new spaces within their work life and these spaces give the building an entire form of placelessness. When people enter a space, especially during the normal workday, it is important for the “being” of that space to be able to change the behavior of any person. It is crucial that any designer take control of how the building looks and how people will react whenever they enter the space. Defining a buildings own placelessness can help achieve the dwelling of a workspace and “the state of crisis urban planning has come to.”(Gottman)  
            Soltani stated within his article, “When “being” happens through the sense of belonging to a place, and the building also is meant by the human presence, it becomes possible to strengthen the sense of individual identity.” Relating this to Heidegger’s essay, an empty space is an empty space and the boundaries of that space are weak but when people are brought into a space, the boundaries become strong, full of energy and create a sense of being. “A boundary is not that at which something stops, but the boundary is that from which something begins its presencing.” (Heidegger) Spaces that create a sense of being, not only give the attention to more people, but it also connects them with the architectonics itself. Stated in Schultz’s suggestions, “architecture associated with dwelling, so goes into the being placed. Dwelling a meaningful link between humans and assumed environment.” The connection between people and the environment also creates the sense of belonging to the space.
                        Another way to understand the relationship between building and the environment is a sense of cultivating the site. By this, the architect is building the site by understatement of the context and climate around the area. This can also play a huge role when trying to fit a “being” within the space. “The site may be layered to create its own characteristics apart from the rest and giving it a good expression to everyone.” Along with the site, comes the most important tool, light. Heidegger, within his essay, explains that natural light has a much greater significance on either an art piece or in my case, the every workday person.
When understanding the relationship of creating a “being” in the space, it can be very crucial of how the construction of a building relates to the design of the site, but “despite the importance of topography and light, the primary principle of architectural autonomy resides in the tectonic rather than the site.” (Heidegger) Tectonics then take control of creating a better space and make the construction of the building answer certain needs for the space. By just using the design of the building alone can conquer the task of changing the behavior of a person when they enter the space. When a person can walk into a space and their body can immediately adapt to the new environment, allowing their behavior to change, bringing the building closer to the person. But along with the tectonics of the building, it is important for the building to be functionally adequate to adapt their every workday needs. 

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