Monday, February 24, 2014

Life of a Saluki Architecture Grad Student

By John Svast

Hello again Readers!

Did you have a childhood? Of course you did!... and depending on who you ask, you may have
to thank an architect for that.

When I explain my thesis to people (Space created from Social Media), I get a lot of odd looks
from people. They think I am the type of person that wears a tinfoil hat and make wildaccusations of the government stealing half my brain and shoving a bag of sand up there in its
place. To those folks I say “hear me out!”, it is not the first time that an idea spurred a whole
different type of space thus creating a new way of living… like your childhood.
According to Edward T. Hall in his book Hidden Dimensions, Many Many moons ago (before the
17th century) in Western Europe, children were thought of as little adults. When you you woke
up in the morning you went to work just like your Mom and Dad, you worked in other peoples
homes, worked a trade with one of your parents, possibly worked on a ship. You had all the
responsibilities as any other adult as soon as you were able bodied.

(Image of Author, w hen he w as much more adorable and able to w atch cartoons) Photo by Authors Mother… love ya Ma

What Happened?
According to Hall, the child's playroom happened.
Once a space was provided for children to play in the home the idea that a child SHOULD be
playing was brought forth. Of course it didn’t happen overnight, But over time, people became
more comfortable with the idea that children should just go ahead and be children.
How we perceive space and the sense of place is very powerful. The actions that take place in
that space start to define the identity of that space.
Do you have an empty room?
Put a bed in it! Universally, people will perceive it as a bedroom!
Same room…
put a desk in it! Universally, people will perceive it as an office!
Same room...
put a playset in it! Universally, people will perceive it as a playroom!
Same room…
Participate in the interaction with others locally and globally… What do you get?

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