Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Metrolink Station

North Hanley MetroLink Station
By:Chris Harpstrite
One of the sites I am currently researching for my thesis is North Hanley MetroLink station. Recently there was a Walkabout hosted by Citizens for Modern Transit, this Walkabout is meant to show the public, investors, etc. about the opportunities for transit oriented development around a specific station. North Hanley is the third busiest stop on the MetroLink path, and has great potential for transit oriented development.
            The North Hanley station has a large parking lot surrounding the station and this was a topic of much discussion during the Walkabout. The parking lot has over 1700 spaces, however, with limited lighting and safety measures for people, it becomes a danger to the public, and becomes a big obstacle for TOD.
            There were many suggestions that came up about how to help improve the area, but none really stood out as being primarily focused on TOD. Some long term goal were established though, they include: incorporate more housing, add mercantile, support more business opportunities. Zoning always seems to get in the way with efforts for TOD, I have read this in many of the books I am currently reading, and even have a book that strictly focuses on zoning for TOD. This will have to be considered when designing next semester.
            The North Hanley MetroLink station seems to be a reasonable choice, however, I would still like to do more research on potential sites. Until next time…

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