Sunday, April 7, 2013


When to digitize?
By: Chris Pacanowski 

Architecture in the past was all about hand drawings and everything was drafted. What has happened to that type of pride in architecture? Well the answer becomes digital. With all of the advances in technology architecture has brought up the use of technical programs for creating all of the drawings that use to be so time consuming. This new use of technology is a great addition to architecture and design IF it is used at the right time. I have found throughout my architecture schooling, that once things start to get on the computer it becomes a little more difficult to change the idea, not because of the software, but because it seems to be set in our minds. So when is the right time to move from hand drawings into digital productions? One of the greatest things with digital is the ability to show clients a view from any direction extremely quickly. The problem is the same, when a client sees a digital image of their potential project, they will react in a few different ways. One, they would love the image and want that exact look in the actual building. Two, they will hate it and want it to be redone and be shown a better view. Three, they won't really like it but will agree with it because of the fact that they believe that it is already at the final stage and can't be changed without a large expense to it. Which brings me back to the question of WHEN is it time to digitize, the answer to this will change from project to project, but the simplest answer would be; it becomes time to digitize when many possibilities have been looked at and established. The reason is, is that things can change a lot faster and a dialoged can be created with a hand drawing easier than a computer drawing. When it comes to my current work, digitizing is when I have explored enough possibilities and have found one that should work well and it becomes time to look at shapes in more of a 3 dimensional perspective. Computers are a great help when it comes to architecture, but never forgetting the past and the hand drawings is always the best way to go and to be creative without limitations!

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