Friday, January 20, 2012

Aeroponic systems...

By Erik Illies

So how about aeroponic systems and what makes them different from hydroponics...
Aeroponics are pretty cool in a lot of ways, specifically the efficiency in which they foster high/ healthy yields of plants. Even more specifically, the fact that they use zero soil to foster plant growth! The system is comprised of a growing medium platform that uses a mesh-like material plant roots can attach to and pass thru. Now we have a dual sided panel of life, which on one side is bathed in light (either natural sun or artificial) and the other is showered in a nutrient rich spray/ mist. The plants themselves don't seem to notice or care where or how they are receiving the basics for life, they just care that they get them. Because of this capability of the technology, we can utilize these systems virtually anywhere and on any scale. This system is very similar to hydroponics in the sense that soil is replaced by continuous nutrient migration (using water as a medium), but that medium is the specific big difference between the two. And what a difference that is!!! Statistically, aeroponic systems use up to 70% less water than hydroponics do because they utilize a fine mist as opposed to a constant stream of water.
Fortunately that advantage is multi-faceted. Since so much less water is required there is now less space taken up by system infrastructure, and more effort can be applied toward yield. Also, plants can be grown in even more diverse locations... like space (which was a huge emphasis, driven by NASA, on the development and utilization of these systems since there is very little space to store excess water much less grow plants in a space vehicle/station.

Wow, what a neat world we live in and how great our opportunities are in a myriad of different places to make a brighter cooler neater world in the future!
Please take 4 minutes to watch the link below for a more entertaining description of the system.

1 comment:

  1. I was interested in the Aeroponic System, but it didn’t seem like much of a value for what’s essentially a bucket, lights, timer, and pump.

    But after reading the blog I think I have to do it. :)

