Thursday, March 27, 2014

Rehabilitation From Substance Abuse Amongst Adolescence Through Spatial Integration

By Sufiy Momoh

Buildings and outer space between them make different lives, influence how we think, feel and behave, basically how we are. Many specialist of various fields, including sociologists, therapist and architect have repeatedly argued about how place and the figure of its blank communicate with the human soul, affecting the way in which citizens react to their lives and how they develop. And this might be said to be rather crucial for anybody who requires long terminal figure constant care or needs to recover from a period of time of physical, social and emotional instability such as loss of self brought about by drug addiction.

It is important to note from the outset that architecture is not a handling, but can most significantly become a part of the healing process through the founding of spaces and provide significance to those activities utilized to achieve gradual rehabilitation through a curative environment. Lighting within a building as well as landscape and location are essential elements of this architectural therapy. Form and space can be good shapers of person and residential district or they can nourish and help the development, both social and individual.
 A readiness which prepares patient for social comprehension and does not put in bunch up people as a radical of patient role who simply need to take their medication or stay indoors for a prolonged period of time but as active receiver of modification and personal identity . Not merely a number behind a ‘health facility’ door. Architectural designing can provide the corner of this individuality, with spaces built as an interactive cognitive operation as opposed to holding a disorder within. Even the little affair in the design of a construction can children play their part in the psychology of the healing equation; such as the way finding Ordered by Frequency. The power of a healing environment comes from the design elements that empower patients to take responsibility for their own health.
In the case of adolescent substance abuse, the goal is to aim at bringing them back to the fun existing while sober, providing activities that can rekindle what it really was like to be a teenager. Starting from providing activities that would give them a purpose to want to be in such a facility such as theatre, drama, art, sports, photography etc.
Architecture can start playing a role by the arrangement of group spaces, family spaces and private spaces. The building and spaces should come of as relaxing and less stressful. It shouldn’t jump out as a treatment area; it should be something that would help provide an experience for patients that triggers their recovery process. Design should focus on treatment of the person as a whole and not just the substance abuse. Recovery is the goal.

Designing a facility like this requires thought of how this facility would be put together in way that it provides that protection require to keep these adolescence in place but also provide a sense of openness. Doing this one would have to take consideration on the location and design of various protection materials. For instance a protective glass door can have various engraved design in the glass to take their attention away from the fact that the door is a protective door. 

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