Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Deadlines, Deadlines, Deadlines

By Audrey Treece

In light of the architecture “hell” week, I am going to keep this short and sweet. Quigley Hall is always an interesting place to be during the final week of the semester. There are people everywhere and I would love to be a fly on the wall and observe all of the craziness that comes out in people. Aside from people being tired, stressed out and sometimes a little irritable, the final week of the semester is when collaboration and friendship shines through the most. As architecture students, we all spend the majority of our days and nights together and we don’t want to see anyone fail. We all work together to keep each other awake, act as an alarm clock for one another and act as a clown to lighten the mood when things get tough. Being an architecture student is a unique experience and as much as I love my sleep, I wouldn’t change it for the world.

I wish everyone luck as they wrap up their semester. Sleep when you can and don’t forget to eat!

I also wanted to put a shout out to Professor Peter Smith. The gallery has been in tip top shape the entire semester. I enjoy walking by the fishbowl and seeing new displays and love that there is signage put up so people know what is going on at all times. Keep up the good work!

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