Monday, December 19, 2011

Holiday Breaks and Architecture

By Sean Hartman

Some people may think that holidays are a great time to take a break and relax and not have to worry about projects for classes and meeting deadlines when they are due. But who takes a break from architecture? We may be on break for the holiday but do we usually take a break from architecture? I usually find myself sketching, looking at buildings around town, or looking at the buildings from the highway as I am driving. On breaks we have the weight and stress load gone but never stop to break away from designing.
Over the holidays/break it is a great chance to do a design competition. The only stress on that is meeting the deadline for when it is due. Some of these may have guidelines but other than that you can design how you want to design without a professor breathing down your neck. Sometimes that is great because they keep you on track but they can limit your design ideas. Designs competitions allow more freedom in designing unlike a studio can plus it is a great way to build up your portfolio.
But over break take time and break away, have fun and relax. Do things you want to do and have fun doing them. Below you will find a link to a great competition site just in case you get bored over the holiday break and want to take on one of these. Just remember to go crazy have fun when on break and if you take on the challenge of one of the competitions.
Death by Architecture -;jsessionid=DE38A6B4689A9C5929AE2913E7420414?method=Search

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