Thursday, April 12, 2012

So what if global climate change is a cyclical event...

By Erik Illies

It probably is. In fact, rational thinking would bring one to conclude (or just me) to think that shifts in temperature/ precipitation/ atmospheric make-up/ etc. ebb and flow over large periods of time. It is in keeping with a broader theory of super symmetry and overall cosmic balance that I happen to agree with, or at least want to believe in. It feels right that some force is out there to ultimately keep everything in check. Settling all debts, and continually "leveling the playing field". Also, considering that our planet is a closed system, it would make sense that some underlying state of stability must be in place otherwise the planet really could be on its way toward fizzling out and dying (no way).

Now for the interesting part where global climate change and cyclical ebb and flow mix together. It should be hard to argue that some form of climate change is currently occurring. A walk outside in the last few months would be testament to this claim seeing as how we in southern Illinois had almost zero winter weather and have been in summer since late March. We've already seen the destructive power of late spring early summer tornadoes as soon as late February and early March. Last year vast parts of the American southwest were locked in devastating drought. I'm exhausting this list because I believe these could be natures response to accelerated atmospheric change. This closed system of ebb and flow will experience ebb and flow naturally (so the critics tell us)... and so I agree. But if we begin tampering with the system shouldn't it modify its response mechanism to retain balance? A glass full of water will gently ripple on it's surface due to ambient vibrations and air change... thus achieving a type of balance based on cause and effect. Now imagine your shaking the table that glass sits on violently... it's going to slosh around and react as erratically as you are screwing with the table. I think that's what's really going on right now. For a hundred plus years of us shaking up the planet with our industrial revolution and population on steroids tactics of species behavior, we've finally gotten the ripples moving more drastically. It would be akin to "amplifying" natures sine wave of climate cycles... sure it's all natural and stuff, but if we can help ourselves by not upping the volume in which nature reacts to our behavior why wouldn't we? Now having said that I realize that I'm completely in the wrong and the only honest way to go about this thing called life is full tilt! So eff it everybody and let's sprint toward the finish line with the volume at eleven!!! What's the worst nature can do in response...

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