Sunday, February 26, 2012

Outlined Overview of Ethic Rules and Canons

By Molly Moran

7 Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct

CANON I – General Obligations
Advance knowledge, respect architecture, contribute to its growth, consider social and environmental impact, and exercise professional judgment.
ES1.1 Knowledge and Skill: Strive to improve their knowledge.
Rule 1.101 Demonstrate a consistent pattern of care and competence.
ES1.2 Standards of Excellence: Seek to raise the standards of aesthetic excellence, architectural education, research, training, and practice.
ES1.3 Natural and Cultural Heritage: Respect cultural heritage while improving nature and the quality of life.
ES1.4 Human Rights: Uphold human rights in all their endeavors.
Rule 1.401 Do not discriminate.
ES1.5 Allied Arts & Industries: Promote allied arts and building industries.
CANON II – Obligations to the Public
Embrace the law governing their affairs and promote the public interest.
ES2.1 Conduct: Uphold the law in their professional activities.
Rule 2.101 Do not knowingly violate the law.
Rule 2.102 Do not influence connections with an existing or prospective projects.
Rule 2.103 When working for the public do not accept payments or gifts.
Rule 2.104 Do not engage in conduct involving fraud.
Members shall:
(a) advise their employer or client against the decision,
(b) refuse to consent to the decision, and
(c) report the decision to the local building.
Rule 2.106 Do not assist a client in conduct that the architect knows is illegal.
ES2.2 Public Interest Services: Be professional for public interests.
ES2.3 Civic Responsibility: Be involved.
Rule 2.301 Disclose when you are being compensated for public statements.
CANON III – Obligations to the Client
Serve clients in a professional manner.
ES3.1 Competence: Serve their clients in a timely and competent manner.
Rule 3.101 Take into account laws and regulations.
Rule 3.102 Perform professional services only when they are needed.
Rule 3.103 Do not alter the scope of a project without the client’s consent.
ES3.2 Conflict of Interest: Avoid conflicts of interest.
Rule 3.201 If judgment is affected by another project disclosure info. to clients.
Rule 3.202 When acting as interpreter of contract documents be impartial.
ES3.3 Candor and Truthfulness: Keep clients informed about the clients’ projects.
Rule 3.301 Do not mislead clients about the results.
ES3.4 Confidentiality: Be respectful of clients’ wishes.
Rule 3.401 Don’t knowingly disclose information that would affect their client.
CANON IV – Obligations to the Profession
Members should uphold the integrity and dignity of the profession.
ES4.1 Honesty and Fairness: Pursue their activities with honesty and fairness.
Rule 4.101 File a complaint with the National Ethics Council if you have evidence of someone breaking this code.
Rule 4.102 Do not sign or seal work for which you are not in charge of.
Rule 4.103 Do not knowingly make false statements.
ES4.2 Dignity and Integrity: Promote the dignity and integrity of the profession.
Rule 4.201 Do not make misleading, deceptive, or false statements.
Rule 4.202 Others conform to this code’s conduct.
CANON V – Obligations to Colleagues
Respect the rights and contributions of their colleagues.
ES5.1 Professional Environment: Be fair to employees.
ES5.2 Intern and Professional Development: Mentoring isn’t a punishment.
ES5.3 Professional Recognition: Give credit where credit is due.
Rule 5.301 Recognize the contributions of colleagues.
Rule 5.302 When leaving a firm do not, without the permission, take firm’s work. Rule 5.303 Do not withhold permission from a departing employee to take copies of work so long as they are not confidential.
CANON VI – Obligations to the Environment
Promote sustainable design principles in their professional activities.
ES6.1 Sustainable Design: Be environmentally responsible.
ES6.2 Sustainable Development: Advocate the design, construction, and operation of sustainable buildings and communities.
ES6.3 Sustainable Practices: Use sustainable practices.

1.1 an architect shall act with reasonable care and competence.
1.2 An architect shall take into account all applicable state and municipal building laws and regulations.
1.3 Only once by education, training, and experience will an architect preform professionally.
1.4 No person shall be permitted to practice architecture if such person’s professional competence is substandard.
2.1 One project one billable party, unless otherwise written in contract.
2.2 If there is business or financial association to a project disclose info. to client. [give up association or give up project.]
2.3 Do not take compensation for endorsing suppliers.
2.4 Render decisions impartially.
3.1 When making public statements disclose whether you’re being paid to or not.
3.2 Be honest about qualification, capabilities, experience, and scope of work you are doing.
3.3 If client, against architect’s judgment, violates state or municipal laws and potencaly endangers public safety, the architect shall
(i) report to the local inspector or other public official
(ii) refuse to consent to the decision, and
(iii) if uncompromising terminate your services with project.
3.4 Shall not deliberately make a false statement or fail deliberately to disclose facts in application for registration or renewal.
3.5 Shall not assist the application for registration.
3.6 Report violation of these rules.
4.1 Shall not knowingly violate any state or federal criminal law.
4.2 Don’t bribe people.
4.3 Comply to registration laws and regulations governing his professional practice.
4.4 Employer must employee according to Federal Fair labor Standard Act 1938 and Equal Employment Opportunity Act 1972.
5.1 If you provide architecture services employ at least one architect.
5.2 An architect may sign and seal technical submissions only if the technical submissions were:
(i) prepared by the architect;
(ii) prepared by persons under the architect’s responsible control;
(iii) prepared by another architect registered in the same jurisdiction if the signing and sealing architect has reviewed the other architect’s work and either has coordinated the preparation of the work or has integrated the work into his/her own technical submissions; or
(iv) prepared by another architect registered in any United States jurisdiction and holding the certification issued by the National Council of Architectural Registration Board if
(a) the signing and sealing architect has reviewed the other architect’s work and has integrated the work into his/her own technical submissions and
(b) the other architect’s technical submissions are prototypical building documents.
5.3 Beyond reasonable entertainment and hospitality architects are not allowed to influence potential prospects.
5.4 Don’t get involved with fraud or wonton disregard for the rights of others.
5.5 Don’t make misleading deceptive or false statements or claims.

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