Tuesday, February 28, 2012


By Molly Moran

Zero energy buildings, or ZEBs, have several definitions:

1. net zero source energy buildings means that it has an onsite power plant that at a minimum produces as much energy as the building uses,
2. net zero site energy buildings produces the same amount of energy that it uses, but the entire site is closely monitored for energy usage,
3. net zero energy cost buildings uses both energy efficient design and renewable energy devises to counter the initial cost of construction and materials back, and
4. net zero-energy emission buildings uses both energy efficient design and renewable energy devises to reduce or equal the carbon impact that the building has or has made.

Once a ZEB type is selected there are numerous methods and systems that can contribute to the building’s success. Using net zero site energy description I plan on developing a zero site energy high-rise that can produce, store, and return energy to the grid.

Net zero site energy is the energy quantity obtained by on-site renewable energy systems is equal to the amount of energy used by the building. The general public usually assumes that a “zero net energy building” refers to this type of building. The National Renewable Energy laboratory explains net zero site energy building’s definition as, “A site ZEB produces at least as much energy as it uses in a year, when accounted for at the site.”

In most case studies a single solitary system does not achieve zero energy by itself. Zero energy is usually achieved by several, or several dozen, complicated interconnected systems that add and subtract energy consumption down to zero. Renewable energy systems commonly associated with ZEBs are wind turbines, solar facades, solar shading, and geothermal. Architectural features incorporated with ZEBs systems are daylighting designs, green roofs, radiant floors, and double skins for insolation. Even small devices like CO2 harvesters, ambient lighting sensors, and new technology like piezoelectricity can be utilized in a zero energy building.
By using a variety of renewable energy systems, architectural design, and new technology I will generate a net zero site energy high-rise that will minimize its carbon impact and thrive on the energy it produces.


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