Monday, October 19, 2015

key concepts

BY Casey Bucher

Some interesting articles I have come across since researching information on my thesis. 
There are four key concepts I want to incorporate into my thesis project; harmony, functionality, landmark, and sustainability.  With each of these ideas, a review has been done that focuses on the performance and design decisions made for each concept.

Harmony: Yasunaga, Yodai. “OLD & NEW: CAN CONTEMPORARY AND HISTORICAL ARCHITECTURE EXIST?” MK Think. MK Think, 1 August 2014. 2 October 2015.

In this article, the author gives us an example building where much criticism has surrounded the contemporary addition.  The stark difference between the new building and the Neo-Romanesque existing building has created an unnecessary distraction from what the public is supposed to be appreciating. However, there are some cases where the modern addition gives a new life to the old building. Finding the perfect balance between these two is why “harmony” will be the most difficult concept to achieve.  It cannot only be married in the designer’s eyes, but also the client and the average Joe. 

Bernstein, Fred A. “Where Old and New Collide”. Metropolis. Metropolis Magazine, February 2006. 3 October 2015.

In this article, a couple excerpts caught my eye. “Some kinds of architecture…are most effective when forced to coexist with other kinds of architecture.” This quote as well as the term “urban intervention” seemed to strike a cord. Bonding the new with the old in a captivating way. Again, finding the perfect harmony in the historic urban environment with new architecture.

Functionality: Sun, Feifei. “Extreme Makeover: 8 Inspiring Urban Renewal Projects”. NationSwell, Meet the People Renewing America. Making Government Work, 25 June 2014. 3 October 2015.

This article gives eight examples of turning a worn-down building or a structure that is at the end of its original life cycle and turning it into a completely different building, serving a different program and purpose.  It shows that there can be a renewable aspect to architecture if it is given the proper time and energy.

Landmark: Lubell, Sam. “In Paris, Mixing the Contemporary With the Classics”. Travel, Cultured Traveler. The New York Times, 29 March 2013. 2 October 2015.

In the city of well-known landmarks, Paris architects are taking design of historic and contemporary to a whole new level. This new generation of architects that are taking over the contemporary design of the city simply stated historic Paris architecture is “sleek diamonds in an aging rough”.  It’s incredible to see just how many contemporary works have been designed on the old world of Paris architecture.

Sustainability: Roberts, Tristan. “Historic Preservation and Green Building: A Lasting Relationship”. Environmental Building News. Building Green, 2 January 2007.

This article gives in-depth solutions to creating a green, sustainable structure from an old historic building.  Though these two don’t usually go hand in hand very often, it would be beneficial to implement as much green sustainability that this building will allow.  It used to be known in the architecture world that the greenest building is one that hasn’t been built.  Nowadays, according to this article, it is safe to say that the greenest building is one that has already been built.  Though many standards, challenges, and opportunities arise in these type of projects, the result is one that is well worth the never ending troubles that will without a doubt occur.

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