Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Thesis Beginnings

By Meghan Shanahan

Happy November Everybody and Welcome Back! We are now two weeks away from thanksgiving and I cannot wait to go home and see my family! Plus my mom, sister, and I have a tradition to Black Friday shopping every year! I miss Chicago so much so it will be nice to finally be home again! My grandmother turned 93 this week, so I just wanted to give a small shootout to her wishing her happy 93rd birthday!
             Last Friday we turned in our chair and member information for our thesis. I am happy and very excited about the teachers I have chosen to help and advise me through my thesis project. My chair I have chosen Professor Turnipseed, and for my two members I have chosen Professor Gonzales, and Professor Dobbins. I am defiantly very lucky to have such a great group to help me to succeed. For my thesis, I do plan on making some minor changes to what I am going to work on. I was originally going to create a Pediatric Urgent Care Center in Chicago. I am planning to stick with Pediatric Healthcare, but instead I am looking to create a Pediatric Emergency Room that is connected to an existing hospital and Emergency Room. I was looking at different hospitals in the Chicago land area, as of now I think I have chosen Loyola University Medical Center, but once I do a little more research I will know for sure.
            In Studio we have been working on our individual building and there is have not been a lot of major changes. Everything is small detail work that is just slowly making the project come together. But it is coming along great and I am very excited to about the future of the project, hopefully I will have more information for you next time.
Till then thanks for reading!

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