Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Where I will End Up

By Nicholas Bosman

Lately, I have been thinking about where I will end up after I graduate from Southern Illinois University Carbondale. I could try to go back to State Farm Corporate HQ, where I had an internship. I could also venture out and find another job somewhere else. That is, if there are any job openings. I feel like getting a job in Bloomington, Illinois would be nice. I like that city and there is always something to do there. And by that I mean, when I am not working, I can go to the skate park, something that Carbondale lacks. They actually have two. Anyway, that would be a nice option.
            Another option is the ever popular “State of Chicago” as some people would put it. I love big cities like that. I think it would be incredible to be able to walk, or skate, to work every morning. That is a farfetched dream, however. Even if I do get a job in downtown Chicago, the chances of finding an affordable place to stay near it would be impossible. So then that makes me think of going to a suburb. Close enough to get to the downtown if I would like to, but not too close to where living costs are high. There is something about cities that attracts me. I don’t know what it is. Ever since I was able to go to Chicago with friends, I always begged them to go back with me. Going to Chicago was the best thing ever during high school. Even now I long to go back and spend time in the city. I can’t wait to go back, take the train to millennium station, walk around not knowing what to do, but not caring because there were a ton of options. Sometimes I just want to go alone, though. Without having someone there whining about what to do, I’m tired, blah blah blah. I just want to take my skateboard, and ride around the city. Get a little lost. Eat something when I get hungry, then off I go again to explore. It always seems like I find something new when I go.
            Now off of my rant about Chicago and how much I love it there. What was I saying…Oh yes, places to work in the future. Those would be my two top choices as of now. But that’s just in the state of Illinois. 

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